
United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation®

Many different volunteers serve the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation's members in many different roles and capacities. Contact information for most Federation Officials can be found on the following wiki pages, Regional Websites and Regional Facebook pages.

You may also be able to locate contact information you are seeking on Regional websites, Regional Facebook pages, etc.

National Member Headquarters NJ


Region 1 ME, NH, VT, RI, MA, CT


Region 2 NY, PA, NJ, MD, DE, DC


Region 3 KY, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV


Region 4 FL, GA, AL, MS, LA, PR, US VI


Region 5 MI, Il, IN, OH


Region 6 AR, OK, TX, LA


Region 7 WI, ND, SD, NE, IW, MN


Region 8 AZ, CO, ID, MT, UT, WY, NM


Region 9 CA, NV, HI


Region 10 WA, AK, OR